Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Ok, so whaddaya get when you mix a super-dee-duper gorgeous new mommy who doesn't even come close to resembling someone who just gave birth, a new daddy who giggles when his baby girl christens him all over his lap, and a two week old perfect little angel who sleeps for 3 solid hours and never fusses even once???...A perfect day in this photographer's eyes!!!...And did I even mention that mommy brought along the most precious little hat that I've ever seen ever, ever, ever?!?!...I'm totally on my way to buy the store out of every size, shape and color, because this hat is just too precious for words...Of course, it doesn't hurt one bit that little Miss A, is also absolutely too precious for words (looking like her momma's little mini-me!)...So, all in all, I'd say we had a GRRRREAT day!...And I just can't wait one second longer to show off Miss A to her mommy and daddy and family and friends...So, here y'all go!...Enjoy and I'll be back with more very soon!!!...-EPJ

1 comment:

Alyson said...

Oh my Goodness she might be my niece but these pictures are beautilful!!!Cant wait to see the rest!