Monday, May 25, 2009


Let's just say that the old expression, "raining cats and dogs", doesn't even begin to apply here...For today, we should've changed it to "raining horses and elephants" or something equally LARGE to match the amount of rainfall we experienced during today's session...So, today's sweet little family session was definitely a LONG time coming, as the last time we were scheduled to meet, we ended up having to reschedule due to severe thunderstorms and possible hail and tornadoes (I don't mess around with those tornado warnings!)...Well, today, I wasn't going to let anything stand in our way and I set out on a mission, and by golly, I wasn't going to leave until I accomplished it!!!...Of course, within 5 minutes of my arrival, the entire family watched me squeal like a little baby girl and run like a puppy with it's tail between it's legs when the lightening practically seemed to hit the porch we were all standing on!!!...Thankfully, all was well, and shortly thereafter we were able to get started...It was wet, soggy, muddy and WAY WAY WAY overcast, and not quite an hour later, the bottom fell out of the sky all over again, but in that small window of opportunity, we were able to get a number of precious shots that I know mommy and daddy and the rest of the family will just love!...And I have to say, normally I don't do and have never done an entire sneak preview of all black & whites, and even though I have plenty color shots from today, it only seemed fitting with the weather like it was, to bring out the good ol' classic B&W shots to remember the afternoon as it was...So, please enjoy this little tease, and I'll see you all again very soon!...-EPJ

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