Saturday, April 11, 2009


So, yesterday afternoon, between tornado warnings and hail storms, I got to meet up with B & L for a super fun belly session!!!...Baby boy C will be the first little bundle of joy for this adorable couple, and I just can't wait to meet him in the coming weeks and get to see mommy and daddy again, too!...They are going to make awesome parents and I, as always, feel so incredibly blessed to get to be a part of it all!!!...B & L, hope y'all enjoy your little sneak preview, and L, I hope your birthday was a happy one and you had a delish broiled catfish dinner :)...Mmmmmm, now I'm hungry again!...GREAT!...Ok, be back soon with more...-EPJ

1 comment:

aseel said...

Great images, Elana! Love the second one.