Friday, February 20, 2009


Well, I have always said that I love how my job allows me to meet new people each and every day, and there's just nothing better, but what is definitely just as awesome is when I get to reconnect with friends from my past!!!...It makes me SOOOOO, soooooo, sooooo much happier than words can say!!!...So, yesterday I headed off to visit some dear friends that I haven't seen since my oldest daughter was probably about 4 or 5 years old, and now she's about to be 11, so if you do the math, it's been a while!...In fact, it had been way too long!...So, all these years later, and M & G have finally been blessed with the most scrumptious, delicious, smiley bundle of joy that I've ever seen!...I actually announced many times that I was going to have to take sweet baby D home with me :) ...Well, either that or I'm moving in with them, because I'm just as much in love with their gorgeous home as I am with their gorgeous daughter!...So, here are just a couple of sneak previews for you of your yummy little rolly-polly, and I just LOVED getting to visit with y'all so let's be sure to do it again very soon!!!...Love ya!...-EPJ

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